Belle Beauty: Spring Up Mood


The temperatures are rising, the birds are singing – spring is finally here and we couldn’t be more excited! It’s finally time to banish those winter blues for good and get into a positive spring state of mind. If you’re finding yourself stuck in a rut, try these tips to “spring up” your mood and reset your mind for spring!

1. Start a Gratitude Practice


Counting your blessings is a simple way to make a big impact on your daily mood, but the benefits don’t stop there! In fact, researchers have demonstrated that practicing gratitude can help you sleep better, be more kind and empathetic, and even have a stronger immune system!

And starting a gratitude practice couldn’t be easier. Just set aside a time to write down three things you’re grateful for each day. Try to add the practice onto another daily activity, like drinking coffee in the morning. And you don’t need to think of anything grand to be grateful for. The scent of spring flowers, breaking out your favorite spring clothes – if it makes you happy, write it down!

2. Take a Walk Outside

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Now that the weather is warmer, it’s the perfect time to add some outdoor exercise to your routine. Exercise has so many benefits for your mind. As Elle Woods once said, “Exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy!"

Similarly, spending time outdoors has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, improve creativity, and fight anxiety and depression. Combine them together and you have a sure-fire way to amp up your mood this spring! Not to mention the nice dose of mood-boosting vitamin D you’ll get from all that extra sunshine. 

For bonus points, invite along a friend or listen to a playlist of your favorite feel-good tunes while you stroll. 

3. Do a Digital Detox

If you’ve spent the winter hanging out on the couch and scrolling through your feed, you’re certainly not alone. But now it’s spring and it’s time to put down the phone and reconnect with the world around you! If you’re having a hard time disengaging with social media (we don’t blame you – it’s addictive!), try temporarily deleting apps off of your phone or setting usage timers. Start with one weekend of digital detox and see how you feel. Replace your usual scrolling with face-to-face interactions or spending time reflecting. You’ll be surprised by how much time you get back in your day and you may start to rethink your phone habits altogether! 


4. Play!

Be honest with yourself: when was the last time you played and laughed? Maybe it’s been longer than you’d think. Set some time aside to engage in lighthearted activities. Need some ideas? Catch up on the latest episode of SNL with some friends!  Make a pillow fort with your kids! Play catch with the dog outside! Put on some music and do a silly dance! Choose activities sheerly for the fun of them and just allow yourself to let loose and have a good time!

What are your favorite ways to spring up your mood? 

Meg Delagrange

Designer & Artist located in Denver, Colorado

Belle Beauty: Kids & Cell Phones


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